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We are on mission to share the Good News of Jesus Christ with First Responders and their communities world-wide.

Shield of Hope ministry shines the light of Jesus Christ on First Responders locally and internationally by ministering to their greatest needs. For some, the need is for everyday equipment, such as flashlights or boots, while others need emotional, spiritual, or family care following job-related stress or trauma. Partner with us in loving our essential neighbors by donating today.


Honduras National Police

It all started with three officers in the small mountain town of Yorito, Yoro. After sharing our testimony, one of them called that night and wanted to give their life to Christ! Since then, we’ve traveled to several different locations in Honduras from San Pedro Sula, to Tegucigalpa. The Honduran National Police have approximately 14,000 officers who rotate throughout the country. The light of Christ is continuing to spread throughout their department!

Roatan Municipal Police

We have partnered with the Roatan Honduras Municipal Police. Their department has approximately 27 officers who work varying shifts. Chief Joe Solomon leads his department with a heart for Christ. Chief Solomon is a pastor on the island and travels to various churches each Sunday. He plays a pivotal role in the success of our mission work there on the island. We also work with a local orphanage to love on them and share the hope of Christ.

Click here to learn more about our “Light in the Darkness” Campaign and how you can help supply flashlights to officers in Honduras.


The “Light in the Darkness” Project

Several years ago, the Lord gave me a vision. He told me, someone has to speak out about the damaging effects this kind of career will have on them. He told me, He has called us to be a light in a dark world. The hope I now have in Christ is what I want to share in a profession that’s riddled with devastation. One thing I hear officers say is that no one knows what it’s really like, but I do. I know exactly how they feel, where they’re at and how this career has broken them.

We hope to change that through our “Light in the Darkness” project. LITD is my and my wife’s story of what we went through as a 1st responder family and how the Lord brought healing and restoration to our marriage. Through our story, we want to bring awareness about the devastating effects of being a 1st responder and how the Lord can bring complete healing and restoration to their lives. Will you prayerfully consider coming alongside and supporting us?


5th annual Shield of Hope Ministries Marriage Retreat

As a police officer, I know all too well the struggles and the effects this career can have on a family. The Lord has placed a great burden on our hearts for 1st responder marriages. We host a 1st Responder Marriage Retreat in Luling, Texas each year. Sign up for our Newsletter to receive info on upcoming retreats!

(Active and Retired Police, Corrections, Fire, & EMS/Spouses only)


The “Light in the Darkness” Project

If I have learned one thing in law enforcement over the last 19 years, it’s that we receive a lot of training on how to do our jobs, but little to nothing on how to deal with the effects of the job. The result has been catastrophic. Just in policing, we see upwards of an 80% divorce rate; we are 3x more likely to abuse alcohol than the general public and are 3x more likely to commit suicide than be killed in the line of duty.

Click here to read more.

We are excited to announce our new podcast called  -MARRIED TO THE BADGE- with Eric & Kim! Join us every week as we discuss topics like family, faith, marriage, and what it’s like to be a law enforcement family.