If I have learned one thing in law enforcement over the last 19 years, it’s that we receive a lot of training on how to do our jobs, but little to nothing on how to deal with the effects of the job. The result has been catastrophic. Just in policing we see upwards of an 80% divorce rate, we are 3x more likely to abuse alcohol than the general public, and are 3x more likely to commit suicide than be killed in the line of duty. Chronic exposure to trauma has gone undiagnosed and untreated for far too long. Unfortunately the State of Texas does not recognize chronic exposure to trauma under its worker’s comp laws. That’s right, our 1st Responders are injured (mentally & emotionally) on the job and they have to pay out of pocket to get help. With the rising costs of health care, most cannot afford the types of treatments necessary like, EMDR therapy. We are asking our community to support our 1st Responders so they can receive the mental health treatment they deserve. You can sponsor a 1st Responder with a donation of $450. This amount will provide 5 sessions of EMDR therapy by a licensed mental health professional. As an officer, I have personally gone through EMDR therapy and I know how effective this treatment can be. Any contribution is greatly appreciated and is tax deductible.